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If you’re already an ASB home loan customer, you can now get a drier, warmer, more energy efficient home with the new ‘ASB Better Homes Top Up’ loan offering a low 1% p.a. fixed interest rate for three years.
The Better Homes Top Up loan helps existing home loan customers borrow up to $80,000 to fund eligible home improvements such as:
If you still aren’t sure where to start. No worries! Give us a quick call on 0800 888 766 or drop us a message anytime.
We can help you figure out which investment will have the best impact on your home.
*ASB Bank Limited’s lending criteria, terms and exclusions apply. Top up fee of $99 may apply. Rate, offer and fees may change. Refer to asb.co.nz for eligibility criteria and other fees and charges. At the end of the fixed rate period our Housing Variable Rate will apply. An early repayment adjustment may apply if you break a fixed rate term.
*Lending criteria and terms apply.
If you are an existing ASB home loan customer, you may be eligible for a better homes top-up that covers the below products,
The Better Homes Top Up is not available for construction loans. It is only once the construction of your property is completed as well as your construction related home loan has been fully advanced, you may be eligible to apply for an ASB Better Homes Top Up.
As long as the total balance of your existing plus new Better Homes Top Up loans - does not exceed $80,000, you may apply for another ASB Better Homes Top-Up.
Once you reach the end of the 3 year fixed rate period, ASB’s Housing Variable (floating) Rate will apply. Alternatively, the bank has mentioned that you can re-fix your ASB home loan rate online via ASB Home Central or through the ASB Mobile App. Read the ASB Better Homes Top-Up section on the bank’s website for more information.
Brightr gives free quotes on all products and there is zero obligation until you sign acceptance - so there's nothing to lose. Remember to include in the message any promotion code that applies.
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We answer 24 hours, 7 days a week so call us anytime.